The Supreme Council 33º of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite for Cyprus
Chapters in Cyprus

Click on a Chapter name to see more information & history of that Chapter

Helios Chapter Rose Croix No 8
3rd Fri October am [E], 3rd Fri December pm, 4th Fri March.
M.W.S.- E∴& P.∴Bro. Gregoris Theocharous 18° Tel : (+357) 99597131 email HERE
Recorder M∴Ill∴ Bro. A. Kyriakoudes 33° Tel: (+357) 99557082 email: HERE

Etoile Chapter Rose Croix No 9
(Higher Degrees Chapter)
Contact Recorder for dates and locations of meetings.
MWS - V∴ Ill ∴ Bro D. Avgoustinos 33° Tel : (+30) 6948070031 email HERE
Recorder : V∴ Ill ∴ Bro D. Ithakisios 33° Tel :(+30) 6974855585 email HERE

(Higher Degrees Chapter)
Recorder Ill ∴ Bro H.Biggs 30º, Tel: (+357) 96784800. email HERE